Thursday, December 15, 2005

Autistic Child Helped by an Ancestral Diet

Ray Audette, author of NeanderThin, reported the following success story on June 29, 2004. While one anecdotal case like this is not strong scientific evidence, it does offer yet another ray of hope that the world's leadings scientists in the field of Paleolithic nutrition may be on to something:

Larry was vegetatively austistic when Mary first e-mailed me some years ago. I sent her a book (free) and a bag of pemmican in the next day[']s mail. One week later, she called me on the phone to tell me that Larry had started to say words again and was making eye contact for the first time in years. Two month[s] later she called again to tell me that Larry had hug[g]ed her and said "I love you Mommy". Last year she called to tell me that he had won the school spelling bee!

Helping Larry (and the others who have contacted me) was the most important thing I had ever done in my life. It is the reason I persist in being controversial in spite of personal and financial hardships I have endured to continue.

People who meet him tell me that Gray-Hawk (my own 9 year old son) is the best testimonial for my book. Helping others with their children is my way of thanking God for giving him to me.

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